Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Write, Therefore I Am.

So, I pulled the dreaded slip of paper.  The only one that I almost, sort of, regret putting in the hobby jar in the first place.  The few words that at one time (ten years ago) gave great excitement and now just leave a blank mind and often blank computer screen.  I knew it would happen.  It is, after all, a talent I would like to improve and an accomplishment I'd like under my belt.  That's why I put three of the same hobby in the jar.  I had just hoped for a little more time before it was drawn.  In all reality, I had hoped that they would be the final three in the jar.

Write For 1 Hour (duh duh duhhhhh)

But, I did it.  It took me a little bit of time.  I took the slip out and let it hang on my magnet-board for a week or so.  I tried to think of which book I would work on, which idea I would further, but I couldn't pick one.  I kept staring at the slip and thinking ... Why am I even doing this to myself.  I must not be a writer.

But, then I was watching a show (trying to use my time wisely ... hee hee) that made me remember an idea I had shelved a few years ago.  And suddenly my brain flew into overtime, trying to figure out the plot and characters.  This made watching the show difficult, but I diligently finished the episode before tackling the idea.  Actually, I finished the show, checked my facebook page, looked at a couple of friends' blogs, went to bed, woke up and ate breakfast and did several loads of laundry, and...  What can I say ... even with the new/old idea, it still scared me to actually sit down and start a new book when I have 4 sitting sadly in proverbially dusty computer files that haven't been opened in 4 years.

So, after a few more days passed, I had a brief and glorious few hours where my 7-year old had a playdate with Grandma and Grandpa, and my 1-year old decided to nap for a surprisingly long time.  After wasting a half-hour checking email and random online facts, I decided it was time.  I opened OpenOffice (I'm on a Mac and don't have windows Word on my machine) and started a New document.  It stayed empty for a few minutes while I gathered my thoughts.  Then, it started having letters, slowly.  There were several moments where those letters were deleted thoroughly and then retyped, but eventually I found my pace.  I decided on character names, motivations and research ideas.

I even called the FBI.

Sure, it was only to ask how they would refer to and introduce a Special Agent in Charge, but still.  I felt cool.  I felt like I was a real writer, doing real research.  I stayed focused and working for two hours.  Double what I had stipulated.

And then, my 7-year old came home.  Which woke up my 1-year old from his nap.

So, I saved my progress and closed the program and retired my 'writer' hat back to the shelf.  But, it was no longer dusty.  I had written.  And since then, I have made a deal with my husband that I go off by myself to the library once or twice a week for a bit more of the dreaded 'writing'.  That's the purpose of my hobby jar.  To rekindle old interests and generate new ones.  I'm just surprised it worked so quickly.

I wonder what I'll draw next.  Wish me luck!