So, many of you (all one of you, meaning ... me) will notice that I have done nothing with this blog since posting my ambitions. The reason behind this lapse (at least, this is what I will 'blame' it on) is that we were blessed with a beautiful, adopted baby boy! He has lovingly taken my time (which I give willingly) and scrunched it and anything else soft or smooshy up into his beautiful little hands.
He is now sleeping through the night (knock on wood), and as I gather more of my wits with every extra hour of sleep, I am beginning to feel the need to create and do. So, I have made a Hobby Jar. In it, are many filled slips of folded paper giving me a project that I've been meaning to start - or finish! Along with projects that have an end, I have included several projects like "do one page of scrapbooking" (because it's just so daunting for an open-ended "do scrapbooking"), or "Complete one family blog post" (again, a small tribute to make it seem more achievable). I have also put in three little suggestions that scare me more than anything else in the jar. Three little slips of paper that, when I draw from the jar my hand will shake with fear should I draw one. Those three say "Write for one hour." Should I draw such a slip, I'm sure my enthusiasm and response time will lag a little, but, I shall prevail. And, because those are the most frightening, they will go back in the jar once completed.
So, Here goes my new goal of at least having a project in mind. I'm currently knitting a sweater. I know! I didn't really know I could knit. I'm finding out that at first, I can't ... I've restarted a pattern 18 times now. But, I'm well on my way now - and using the internet to make sure I know what I think I know. I've almost finished with the back. So, I'll post pics as I go, as proof that I'm doing this. If someone does happen upon this blog and wants info about anything I'm working on, leave a comment asking for it and I'll post it. If you want specifics, leave a comment with your email address (you should probably have an email account that doesn't have your real name, like AwesomePossum @ (and no, that's not my email info, but it would rock, wouldn't it?). Anyway, here I go ... again. Wish me luck!
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