Monday, January 21, 2013

It's Alive!!

So, I'm back! Well, not back, because I'm not where I was when I started this blog, but I am "back" to purposeful blogging.  We managed our move across the country (whew!) and I've had a few months to acclimatize myself to the new surroundings and I am proud to say I no longer need a GPS device to get to the grocery store!

I have had a bunch of things I needed to do and make over the last few months, due to the fact we sold much of our belongings back in Utah so we wouldn't spend so much $$$ getting our stuff from point A to point B. Turns out we still have too much stuff, so it was a really good thing we got rid of the extra stuff or we would have been in serious trouble.

I also went on a Pinteresting Rampage. I warned you I would. Remember? Well, needless to say, I have so many ideas that I don't even know where to begin. Of course, the move across the country was not without a financial impact, so I'll be trying to do the cheap pins for now until we win the lottery - which would be doubly amazing because we don't actually play the lottery.

So, what have I done so far? Stay tuned! I'll show you what I remember to take pictures of!

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